Texas Rangers To Become First North American Sports Team To Reopen at Full Capacity
Published on March 15th, 2021 1:40 am ESTWritten By: Dave Manuel

The Texas Rangers plan to become the first major North American sports team to play a game in front of a full stadium on April 5th (in fact, they are selling 100% of their tickets to two exhibition games, as well, on March 29th and 30th).
There will be no social distancing on April 5th in Texas - instead, all 40,000+ seats will be sold and filled.
The only caveat? Attendants will need to wear masks.
This will create a scene that will seem foreign and bizarre after a year plus of battling the COVID-19 virus - a game being played in front of a stadium filled with fans.
Real fans, and not the cutout cardboard variety.
Earlier this month, Governor Abbott gave the all-clear in Texas to return to normal.
The battle against the Coronavirus is being won, he said, and the state can return to normal.
Other sports franchises in Texas are still being cautious, with the Dallas Mavericks and San Antonio Spurs playing in stadiums that are roughly 20% full.
The Texas Rangers, however, are going "all-in", and plan to play in front of a full stadium.
There is no doubt that sports will begin to return to normal as we move into spring and season, thanks to a continued campaign to vaccinate the population as well as seasonality.
"Herd immunity" is going to be attained sooner rather than later, which means that fans will return to stadiums.
Many, however, are surprised that the Rangers are going to attempt to fill their stadium so quickly.
The Rangers have said that after opening day, they plan to offer socially distanced seats at their stadium.
What do you think of this plan?