Mayweather/Pacquiao Finally Gets Signed
Published on February 20th, 2015 7:30 pm ESTThe biggest fight in the history of boxing - bigger than any fight involving Mike Tyson or Muhammed Ali, at least in terms of total $ generated - will be taking place on May 2nd at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.
That's right - after six years of bickering, Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao have finally agreed to fight each other. For years it appeared as though this fight would never get made, thanks to multiple promoters needing to be taken care of, arguments over drug testing and personal insults being thrown back and forth. In the end, however, the staggering amount of money involved (Mayweather will reportedly receive $150 million for this fight while Pacquiao will receive $100 million) finally persuaded the two sides to come together to make a deal.
There is a great deal on the line in this fight, especially as it pertains to the legacies of both men. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. would almost surely go down as one of the greatest fighters of all time if he beats Pacquiao on May 2nd. Pacquiao, on the other hand, would write his place in history if he is able to dethrone Mayweather.
Bookmakers have Floyd Mayweather as the clear favourite heading into this fight - here are the current betting odds as of this moment:
Floyd Mayweather, Jr, -300
Manny Pacquiao, +240
So, according to these odds, Floyd Mayweather has a 75.19% chance of winning the fight, while Pacquiao has about a 29.41% shot of taking home the victory.
Boxing observers seem to be relatively split as to who will win this fight, which indicates that the odds may narrow considerably by the time that May 2nd rolls around.
In the end, boxing fans are just glad to finally see this fight get made. In addition, boxing as a sport should benefit from this "megafight" as well, as the eyes of the sports world will be on Pacquiao and Mayweather the weekend of May 2nd.