Sugar Ray Robinson Had a Dream That He Was Going to Kill Jimmy Doyle
Published on February 27th, 2024 11:23 am ESTWritten By: Dave Manuel

In the dream, Robinson dominated his future opponent, Jimmy Doyle, so badly that Doyle ended up passing away from his injuries.
Robinson didn't just think that this was a "dream" - he thought that it was a warning, a premonition.
The dream scared Robinson so badly that he actually pulled out of his fight against Doyle.
After indicating that he wanted to pull out of the fight, Robinson sought the counsel of a priest and a minister.
Both the priest and the minister assured Robinson that the dream was just a dream, and that he could safely go ahead with the fight.
Robinson relunctantly decided to go ahead with the title defense.
On June 25th, 1947, Robinson stepped into the ring against the overmatched Doyle.
Doyle was as tough as this come, and was hanging in there, despite being absolutely dominated by the vastly superior Robinson.
Robinson eventually stopped Doyle with an eighth round knockout that left Doyle unconscious.
Later that night, Robinson's nightmare came true, as Doyle passed away from his injuries.
Robinson was devastated - he had ignored the premonition, and Doyle had paid with his life.
Robinson learned that Doyle took the fight against Robinson because he wanted to buy his mother a house.
Robinson, racked with guilt, decided to donate his purse from his NEXT FOUR fights to Doyle's mother.
Doyle's mother would use the money to buy a house, and Robinson would spend the rest of his life feeling guilt over what happened.