Where To Bet on Railway Stakes
Race Details:
Date: 2024.11.23
Grade: 1
Open To: Horses 3 years old and over
Track: Turf
Length: 1,600 meters
Location: Ascot Racecourse, Perth, Western Australia
The Railway Stakes is a prestigious horse race in Australia.

2023 Winner:
The Parnham family experienced an unforgettable triumph. It was Bustler's turn to take the spotlight, ridden to victory by Neville Parnham's eldest son, Steven.
The race has a rich history, having been inaugurated in 1887. It has since become one of the most coveted races during the Western Australian summer racing carnival.
Horses three years old and over are eligible to compete in the Railway Stakes.
The race is typically held in late November, making it a key feature of the Perth Summer Racing Carnival.
It's a race with a lot of tradition and is highly anticipated each year by racing enthusiasts, punters, and the general public alike.
The purse is $1.5M.
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