President Trump Holds Conference Call With Top North American League Executives
Published on April 4th, 2020 4:41 pm ESTWritten By: Dave Manuel

In a conference call today with some of the top executives for the biggest North American sports leagues, President Trump revealed that he wants to see people back in arenas by August or September of this year.
President Trump also revealed that he is hopeful that the NFL regular season can proceed as normal in September.
This news is obviously both hopeful and depressing at the same time, as it casts serious doubt as to whether leagues like the NBA and NHL can resume this season.
The general consensus was that the NBA, NHL and MLS were all hoping to have some sort of a condensed return to action this summer, with the playoffs playing out over July and August.
If arenas aren't able to be used until August, there is a very good chance that the major North American leagues may not return to action this season, unless they are willing to play in empty stadiums.
Major League Baseball could squeeze in a shortened season if they are able to return in August, though a September start may imperil the entire season.
The NFL, on the other hand, could almost certainly fit in a full season, though they might run into the issue of another flare-up of Coronavirus when flu season starts next year.
In short - don't hold your breath on the major sports leagues starting anytime soon.