Don't Trust the "Expertise" of Others; Develop Your Own Trading System Instead
Published on November 16th, 2018 6:31 pm ESTWritten By: Dave Manuel

"Lock of the Century"!
"Five Star Play!"
"Up 75% Last Season!"
In order to receive these fantastic "plays", you will usually need to turn over your credit card to get hit with some obscene fee.
My words of advice - don't do it.
In the sports betting world, if something sounds too good to be true, chances are that is probably is.
Why would somebody that is supposedly so good at betting on sports need to work so hard to get $50 or $100 from you? I'll let you answer that question yourself.
Remember - sports books make money and aren't used to dealing with people that win consistently. Winning consistently in sports betting takes tremendous preparation and bankroll management. Guys with "locks of the century" don't make money over time - they just don't.
Touts will use all sorts of tricks to get your money, including:
1) Lying about their results.
2) Directing half of their following to bet on one side of a game, and the other half to bet on the other side. Why do this? The 50% of "customers" that bet on the winning game will almost certainly pay more money to get another "winning" pick. Keep doing this over and over and you'll milk money out of some people a bunch of times.
Sports betting is not easy. Instead of paying somebody else for their picks, why not bet on yourself and your own knowledge?
If you know the NFL inside and out, why not bet based on your own knowledge?
If you know the English Premier League like the back of your hand, why would you pay somebody for their "knowledge" that might be inferior to yours?
Don't trust in people that just want to take your money. Instead, use your own knowledge to develop your own betting system, and you will almost certainly end up ahead.