Michael Jordan Once Won a Brand New Mercedes From Rookie Jamal Crawford
Published on August 20th, 2022 2:02 pm ESTWritten By: Dave Manuel

Despite being almost 40 years old and playing for the Washington Wizards, Michael Jordan remained as competitive as ever.
Even against his own teammates.
Michael Jordan was known for his love of gambling and competitive spirit, and he would bet on practically everything.
Holes of golf.
Whose bag would come out of the luggage carousel first.
Jordan also loved to bet during practice, and one time roped rookie Jamal Crawford into a three-point shooting contest.
They started out with a $1,000 wager on who would hit the most three pointers over a total of five shots.
Jordan won the first bet.
"Do you want to increase the wager to $5,000?"
Crawford accepted and would actually win the next bet, which enraged the ultra-competitive MJ.
"What kind of a car do you drive?", Jordan reportedly asked.
Crawford said that he had a brand-new Mercedes.
Jordan replied that he drove to practice in a $450,000 Ferrari.
"Let's bet our cars", Jordan said.
Crawford would agree to the bet, and come to regret it for the rest of his life.
Jordan sunk the dagger into Crawford, going 5-for-5 and winning the Mercedes.
In fact, word has it that Jordan removed Crawford's personalized plate and handed it to the rookie.
You can almost imagine Jordan removing the plate as he taunted the rookie, who was likely dazed and shocked by what had just happened.
Michael Jordan's time with Washington may have been a mistake, though he managed to walk away from the deal with a brand-new Mercedes.